International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering

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International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering
IFMBE is the federation of national and transnational societies on biomedical engineering
30 Jan 2025 08:38:00 PM

 General information

International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering
International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering
Fédération Internationale de génie biologiqie et médical
IFMBE is the federation of national and transnational societies on biomedical engineering
Focal Point IFMBE (Marc Nyssen)
JB Vandercammenstraat 25


International not for profit organisation
Administrative Council
Subrata SAHA
University of Washington, USA
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Colombia
Tampere University Finland
Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
Virginia Laura BALLARIN
Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, Argentina
lchiro SAKUMA
University of Tokyo, Japan
Council of Societies Chair
University of Pisa, Italy
Metin AKAY
University of Houston, USA
Clinical Engineering Division Chair
Metropolitan Autonomous University, Mexico
Health Technology Assessment Division Chair
Boston Scientific do Brasil, Brasil
Digital Health Division Chair
University of Coimbra, Portugal
Hairong ZHENG
Asian-Pacific representative
Chinese Academy of Science, China
Euroean representative
Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic
Latin-American representative
Mexican Society of Biomedical Engineering
Marie-Ange JANVIER
North-American representative
Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario, Canada
Ashenafi HUSSEIN
Interim African Region Representative
Ministry of Technology, Ethopia
Council members

Officers of the Federation
Krishnan Shankar
Former President
Wentworth University Boston
Kang Ping Lin
President Elect
Chung-Yuan Christian University, Taiwan, China
Leandro Pecchia
Secretary General
University Campus Biomedico, Italy
Ratko Magjarevic
University of Zagreb
Maria Fernanda Cabrera Umpiérrez
Madrid Polytechnic University
Daily management of the Federation
General Assembly
All regular member associations have vote(s) in the General Assembly. This is the most supreme international decision making body.

a) to establish the policy of the Federation,
b) to elect the officers of the Federation,
c) to elect members of the Administrative Council,
d) to receive, and to approve or reject, reports and recommendations of the Administrative Council,
e) to make recommendations to the Administrative Council as required,
f) to add or to amend the Constitution and Bylaws as required, and
g) to initiate action to further the aims and objectives of the Federation as set out in Article 3 of this Constitution by means consistent with the Constitution
and Bylaws. A General Assembly shall be convened by the Administrative Council at such times and places as are prescribed in the Bylaws.

A meeting of the General Assembly will be convened by the Administrative Council on petition of at least twenty per cent of the Member Organizations.

The business of the General Assembly may be carried out by postal or electronic mail as specified in the Bylaws.

 Financial information

Private sector entities (including business associations)
Philanthropic foundations
NGOs, academic institutions
Government entities, intergovernmental organizations, including UN
General public, individuals
Income from scientific publications (peer reviewed journal and conference publications) and from conferences


Private sector entities
Philanthropic foundations
Academic institutions
Government entities
Intergovernmental organizations

Organizational Structure

No data available
No data available


No data available
International Union for Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine (IUPESM)
Member of
World Federation of Engineering Organisations(WFEO)
Member of
No data available
AAMI-Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation
ACCE-American College of Clinical Engineering
AIIC - Associazione Italiana Ingegneri Clinici
American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering
Asociación Colegio de Ingenieria Biomedica (ACIBES)
Asociacion Colombiana De Bioingenieria Y Electronica Medica
Association of Biomedical Engineering Technologists of Benin (ATGBB)
Association of Biomedical Engineers and Technicians, DR Congo
Association of Medical Engineering of Kenya (AMEK)
Associazione Italiana di Ingegneria Medica e Biologica (AIIMB)
Austrian Society for Biomedical Engineering
Belgian Society for Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing
Bioengineering Venezuelan Society
Biomedical / Clinical Engineering Association of Ireland
Biomedical Engineering Society (Singapore)
Biomedical Engineering Society in Vietnam
Biomedical Engineering Society of South Africa (BESSA)
Biomedisch Technologen in de Zorg (BMTZ)
Bosnia and Herzegovina Medical and Biological Engineering Society
Bulgarian Society of Biomedical Physics and Engineering
Chilean Society of Health Informatics(ACHISA)
Chinese Society Of Biomedical Enginering
Clinical Engineering Association of South African (CEASA)
College Of Biomedical Engineers, Engineeres Australia
CORAL - Latin American Regional Council on Biomedical Engineering
Costa Rican Asociate Bio Engenier Electromedicine(ACOBEM)
Croatian Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics Society
Cyprus Association of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering
Czech Society for Biomedical Engineering and Medical Informatics
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Biomedizinische Technik im VDE e.V.
Estonian Society for Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics
Ethiopian Society of Biomedical Engineers and Technologists
European Alliance for Medical and Biological Engineering & Science
Finnish Society for Medical Physics and Medical Engineering
Ghana Society of Biomedical Engineers
Hellenic Society of Biomedical Technology
IEEE EMBS-IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
Institute of Medical Engineering and Clinics
Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine
Israel Society of Medical and Biological Engineering
Japan Association for Clinical Engineers
Japanese Society For Medical & Biological Engineering
Latvian Medical Engineering and Physics Society
Lithuanian Society for Biomedical Engineering
Macau Society Of Biomedical Engineering
Mexican Society of Biomedical Engineering (SOMIB)
Moldovan Biomedical Engineering Society
Mongolian Society of Biomedical Engineering
Nigerian Institute for Biomedical Engineering (NIBE)
Panamanian Association of Biomedical Engineering (APIB)
Peruvian Bioengineering Association APBIO
Polish Scientific and Tedchnical Committee for Biomedical Engineering of SEP
Polish Society for Biomedical Engineering
rian IFMBE member society (Bio-medical Informatics Section of John von Neumann Computer Society
Rwanda Association of Biomedical Engineering (RAME)
Slovak Society of Biomedical Engineering and Medical Informatics
Sociedad Argentina de Bioiingeniería
Sociedad Cubana de Bioingenieria
Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica (SEIB, Spanish Society of Biomedical Engineering)
Sociedade Brasileira de Engenharia Biomédica
Societatea Na?ionala de Inginerie Medicala ?i Tehnologie Biologica
Societe Française de Génie Biologique et Médical
Societies of Thai Biomedical Engineering
Society AFIB Association Francaise des Ingeniurs Biomedicaux
Society of Medical and Biological Engineering, Malaysia (MSMBE)
SPEB – Sociedade Portuguesa de Engenharia Biomedica
Swedish Society for Medical engineering, MTF
Swiss Society of Biomedical Engineering
Taiwanese Society of Biomedical Engineering
The Canadian Medical and Biological Engineering Society (CMBES)
The Danish Biomedical Society
The Hong Kong Institution Of Engineers-Biomedical Division
The Korean Society of Medical & Biological Engineering
The Netherlands' Society for Biophysics and Biomedical Engineering
The Slovenian society for medical and biological engineering (DMBTS)
Uganda National Association for Medical and Hospital Engineering


The mission of the IFMBE is to encourage, support, represent and unify the world-wide Medical and Biological Engineering community in order to promote health and quality of life through advancement of research, development, application and management of technology.
Strategic objective 1: Respond to climate change, an escalating health threat in the 21st century.
Strategic objective 2: Address health determinants and the root causes of ill health in key policies across sectors.
Strategic objective 3: Advance the primary health care approach and essential health system capacities for universal health coverage.
Strategic objective 4: Improve health service coverage and financial protection to address inequity and gender inequalities.
Strategic objective 5: Prevent, mitigate and prepare for risks to health from all hazards.
Strategic objective 6: Rapidly detect and sustain an effective response to all health emergencies.
Medical Devices
Clinical Engineering
Health Technology Assessment
Digital Health

  Country presence

Offices / representatives
African Region
Region of the Americas
Eastern Mediterranean Region
European Region
South-East Asia Region
Western Pacific Region

  Disclosure & declaration

Pursuant the WHO Framework of Engagement with Non-State Actors, WHO does not engage with the tobacco industry or non-State actors that work to further the interests of the tobacco industry. WHO also does not engage with the arms industry.

For the purposes of this statement:

  • tobacco industry means any entity involved in the manufacture, sale or distribution of tobacco and related products, and any affiliate of such entity; and
  • arms industry means any entity involved in the manufacture, sale or distribution of arms, and any affiliate of such entity.

This disclosure statement needs to be provided by any nongovernmental organization, private sector entity, philanthropic foundation and academic institution prior to engaging with WHO.

In view of the foregoing, please answer the following questions:

  1. Is your entity, or was your entity over the last four years, part of the tobacco or arms industries (as defined above)?
  1. To the best of your entity’s knowledge, is your entity, or has your entity over the last four years, engaged in activities that are aimed at furthering or supporting the interests of the tobacco industry? This includes, but is not limited to, supply contracts, contract work, services and lobbying.
  1. To the best of your entity’s knowledge, does your entity currently, or did your entity over the last four years, have any other association or relationship with the tobacco industry (as defined above). This includes in particular investment interests (other than general mutual funds or similar arrangements whereby your entity has no control over the selection of the investments), commercial business interests, the provision or receipt of financial and/or other support.
  1. If you have answered yes to any of the above or are unable to answer one or more questions, please provide a general statement of explanation.

Please note that the WHO Secretariat reserves the right to request additional information from your entity in this regard.
By providing this statement, your entity commits to promptly inform WHO of any change to the above information and to complete a new statement that describes the changes.