International Union of Architects

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International Union of Architects
UIA was created to unite the architects of the world on a democratic basis and represent them at international and governmental levels, to ensure the continued development and high educational level of architectural professionals respecting the specificity of different communities and favour the Sustainable development of Built environment. The UIA-Public Health Group is one of those Work Program Groups.
10 Oct 2024 03:06:36 PM

 General information

International Union of Architects
International Union of Architects
Union Internationale des Architectes
UIA was created to unite the architects of the world on a democratic basis and represent them at international and governmental levels, to ensure the continued development and high educational level of architectural professionals respecting the specificity of different communities and favour the Sustainable development of Built environment. The UIA-Public Health Group is one of those Work Program Groups.
33 avenue du Maine, BP 158, 75755 Paris cedex 15


Non-profit Organisation French Law 1901
Gonthier Architekten, owner
Secretary General
LBA, Arquitectura e Planeamento Lda, co-founder and partner
Seif Allah ALNAGA
ICPD, Principale
Teresa Táboas VELEIRO
Vice-President Region 1 (Western Europe)
César Portela, Concello of Marín Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Galicia; Architect
Vice-President Region 2 (Central & Eastern Europe)
Faculty of Architecture, Warsaw University of Technology, lecturer
Vice-President Region 3 (the Americas)
UFBA - Federal University of Bahia, faculty member
Zhang LI
Vice-President Region 4 (Asia and Oceania)
School of Architecture of Tsinghua University/ Dean and Professor of Architecture
Vity Claude NSALAMBI
Vice-President Region 5 (Africa)
Design and Management, TOUCHÉ, CEO
José Luis CORTES
Immediate Past President
Federation of Colleges of Architects of the Mexican Republic - FCARM, president
The Bureau is composed of the President, the Immediate Past President, the Secretary General, the Treasurer, and a Vice-President from each Region. The President, the Immediate Past President, the Secretary General, and the Treasurer do not represent either a Region or a UIA Member Section. In carrying out their duties they shall conduct the affairs of the Union in a manner consistent with the international character of the offices they hold. Each Vice-President, together with the Members of Council from the Region, has special responsibility for co-ordinating and stimulating activities within the geographical Region represented. The Vice-President is the permanent ex-officio representative of the Union in the Region.

UIA Council Member, Region 1
Austrian Chambers of Architects
Lionel DUNET
UIA Council Member, Region 1
National Order of Architects of France
Carmela Lilia CANNARELLA
UIA Council Member, Region 1
National Council of Architects, Planners, Landscapers and Conservationists of Italy – CNAPP - of Italy
UIA Council Member, Region 1
Finnish Association of Architects
UIA Council Member, Region 2
Czech Society of Architects
UIA Council Member, Region 2
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
László MIKO
UIA Council Member, Region 2
Chamber of Hungarian Architects
UIA Council Member, Region 2
Chamber of Architects of Turkey
Jadille Baza APUD
UIA Council Member, Region 3
Chamber of Chilean Architects
Augusto Xavier BALLEN REY
UIA Council Member, Region 3
Colombian Society of Architects
Andrea Coto MARTINEZ
UIA Council Member, Region 3
Colegio Federado de Ingenieros y Arquitectos de Costa Rica
Marco Antonio Vergara VAZQUEZ
UIA Council Member, Region 3
Federación de Colegios de Arquitectos de la República Mexicana
Richard KIRK
UIA Council Member, Region 4
Australian Institute of Architects
UIA Council Member, Region 4
Japan Institute of Architects
Debatosh SAHU
UIA Council Member, Region 4
West Bengal Chapter of IIA, Green and Sustainability Committee of IIA
Youngkeun HAN
UIA Council Member, Region 4
Korean Institute of Architects
Hayatte NDIAYE
UIA Council Member, Region 5
Forum of Earthen Construction Actors (FACT Sahel)
UIA Council Member, Region 5
East African Institute of Architects, Kenya Green Building Council
Mohamed Sahby GORGI
UIA Council Member, Region 5
Order of the Architects of Tunisia
UIA Council Member, Region 5
East Africa Institute of Architects
Four representatives from each UIA Region are elected to serve as UIA Council Members. The UIA Council meets at least twice annually.

Each one of the 5 Region consits of 4 council members.

Role of Council members:
• To collaborate closely and supplement the role of the Vice-President
• To link the UIA with the international organisations in their region
• To participate in regional architectural events
• To participate in the regional work programme activities
• To be the liaison officer for a designated number of Sections in the region • To be the liaison officer for work programmes and commissions
General Assembly
UIA Member Sections with no membership fees arrears by the day preceding the opening of a General Assembly. UIA Member Sections are the main professional Institution gathering architects in each country.

Please see list of UIA Members in UIA site:
The General Assembly is the supreme body of the UIA and is composed of delegates from the UIA Member Sections. The Assembly shall hold an Ordinary Meeting about once every three years to: Receive a report or reports on the activities of the Union since the previous Assembly; Approve or reject, in accordance with these Articles and Bylaws, decisions or resolutions proposed to the Assembly by the Council or other subordinate bodies of the Union; Determine the general policy of the Union for the following three years; Approve or reject the admission, re-admission, or expulsion of Members, as provided for in these Articles and Bylaws; Determine the basis of calculation for the membership fees to be paid by Member Sections; Determine the overall budget of the Union for the following three years; Determine the venues of Assemblies and Congresses, as provided for in these Articles and Bylaws; Elect the President, Secretary General, Treasurer, Vice-Presidents, and Members of Council; Decide on any other matters included in the agenda or accepted by the Assembly for urgent consideration according to Bylaw XIV.8.

 Financial information

Private sector entities (including business associations)
Philanthropic foundations
NGOs, academic institutions
Government entities, intergovernmental organizations, including UN
General public, individuals
The financial report 2023 should be available in december 2024


Private sector entities
Philanthropic foundations
Academic institutions
Government entities
Intergovernmental organizations

Organizational Structure

No data available
No data available


No data available
No data available


Founded in 1948, the International Union of Architects / Union Internationale des Architectes (UIA) is a federation of national professional organisations working to unify architects, influence public policies and advance architecture in service to the needs of society.

Strategic objective 1: Respond to climate change, an escalating health threat in the 21st century.
Strategic objective 2: Address health determinants and the root causes of ill health in key policies across sectors.
Strategic objective 3: Advance the primary health care approach and essential health system capacities for universal health coverage.
Strategic objective 4: Improve health service coverage and financial protection to address inequity and gender inequalities.
Strategic objective 5: Prevent, mitigate and prepare for risks to health from all hazards.
Strategic objective 6: Rapidly detect and sustain an effective response to all health emergencies.

  Country presence

Offices / representatives
African Region
Region of the Americas
Eastern Mediterranean Region
European Region
South-East Asia Region
Western Pacific Region

  Disclosure & declaration

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  • tobacco industry means any entity involved in the manufacture, sale or distribution of tobacco and related products, and any affiliate of such entity; and
  • arms industry means any entity involved in the manufacture, sale or distribution of arms, and any affiliate of such entity.

This disclosure statement needs to be provided by any nongovernmental organization, private sector entity, philanthropic foundation and academic institution prior to engaging with WHO.

In view of the foregoing, please answer the following questions:

  1. Is your entity, or was your entity over the last four years, part of the tobacco or arms industries (as defined above)?
  1. To the best of your entity’s knowledge, is your entity, or has your entity over the last four years, engaged in activities that are aimed at furthering or supporting the interests of the tobacco industry? This includes, but is not limited to, supply contracts, contract work, services and lobbying.
  1. To the best of your entity’s knowledge, does your entity currently, or did your entity over the last four years, have any other association or relationship with the tobacco industry (as defined above). This includes in particular investment interests (other than general mutual funds or similar arrangements whereby your entity has no control over the selection of the investments), commercial business interests, the provision or receipt of financial and/or other support.
  1. If you have answered yes to any of the above or are unable to answer one or more questions, please provide a general statement of explanation.

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The whole field of architecture is involved in improving peoples health through the creation of healthy and supportive environments for the respective activity. The UIA Public Health Group works on Buildings for Health care, such as hospitals, rehabillitation centres, homes for elderly.