International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine

Information regarding a non-State actor, contained in the section “Non-State Actors Profiles” in the Register, has been provided by that non-State actor itself, and the accuracy and completeness of such information is the sole responsibility of that non-State actor, not WHO. In turn, information in the sections “WHO’s Engagement” and “Non-State Actors in Official Relations” has been provided by WHO, subject to certain conditions. All access and use of any section of the Register is governed by the Terms and Conditions of Use.


International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine
The International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (IFCC) is a global professional association that promotes the fields of clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine. It was established in 1952 as the International Association of Clinical Biochemists to organize the various national societies of these fields. The IFCC's aims are to set global standards, support and educate its members, and provide conferences and other gatherings for sharing knowledge among the global laboratory medicine community. IFCC members fall into three groups: national societies of clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine, corporations, and affiliate international or national societies involved in laboratory medicine.
05 Dec 2024 05:02:39 PM

 General information

International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine
International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine
The International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (IFCC) is a global professional association that promotes the fields of clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine. It was established in 1952 as the International Association of Clinical Biochemists to organize the various national societies of these fields. The IFCC's aims are to set global standards, support and educate its members, and provide conferences and other gatherings for sharing knowledge among the global laboratory medicine community. IFCC members fall into three groups: national societies of clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine, corporations, and affiliate international or national societies involved in laboratory medicine.
c/o Seedamm Business Center, Churerstrasse, 135


Non Profit Organization
Executive Board
Prof. Tomris Ozben
Professor Medical Biochemistry, Akdeniz University-Medical Faculty, Antalya-Türkiye
Prof. Khosrow Adeli
Head Clinical Biochemistry Paediatric Laboratory Medicin Department, The Hospital for Sick Children-Toronto, ON-Canada
Prof. Sergio Bernardini
Professor Clinical Biochemistry Molecular Biology, University Tor Vergata, Rome-Italy
Dr. Alexander Haliassos
Director, Greek Proficiency Testing Scheme for Clinical Labs-Athens-Greece
Ms. Tricia Ravalico
Corporate Representative
Director, Global Scientific Leadership and Education, Abbott IL-USA
Prof. Rajiv Erasmus
EB Reg Fed Rep - African Fed Clinical Chemistry-AFCC
Professor Chemical Pathology, Tygerberg University, South Africa
Prof. Osama Najjar
EB Reg Fed Rep - Arab Fed Clinical Biology-AFCB
Deputy Assistant Allied Health Professions and Blood Banks, Ministry of Health (MOH) - Occupied Palestinian Territory
Dr. Tony Badrick
EB Reg Fed Rep - Asia-Pacific Fed Clinical Biochemistry Lab Med-APFCB
Chief Executive, The Royal College of Pathologists of Australia, St Leonards NSW - Australia
Dr. Eduardo Freggiaro
EB Reg Fed Rep - Latin-American Confed Clinical Biochemistry -COLABIOCLI
President, Fundación Bioquímica Argentina, Buenos Aires - Argentina
Dr. David Grenache
EB Reg Fed Rep - North American Fed Clinical Chemistry Lab Med-NAFCC
Professor of Pathology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM USA
Prof. Mario Plebani
EB Reg Fed Rep - European Fed Clinical Chemistry and Lab Med
Professor, Dept of Laboratory Medicine, University Hospital Padova- Italy
The Executive Board is charged with the day-to-day management of the Federation. The Executive Board shall ensure the orderly discharge of the functions of the Federation and, in particular, carry out the administrative duties between meetings of Council.

IFCC Council
IFCC Full Members Societies' Representatives (actually 97)
The supreme body of the Federation shall be a Council which is responsible for the establishment of policy and the overall direction of the Federation. Council may exercise its authority at a meeting or when written submissions are presented to it according to the protocol. Full Members constitute the voting members of Council and vote the Executive Board Members.

 Financial information

Private sector entities (including business associations)
Philanthropic foundations
NGOs, academic institutions
Government entities, intergovernmental organizations, including UN
General public, individuals


Private sector entities
Philanthropic foundations
Academic institutions
Government entities
Intergovernmental organizations

Organizational Structure

No data available
No data available


No data available
No data available


- Advance the theory and practice of clinical laboratory science and to further its application in the provision of health services and the practice of medicine;
- Establish, inter alia, encourage and foster high professional standards of clinical laboratory science;
- Promote international cooperation and coordination in the development of clinical laboratory science in matters of research, procedures, materials, regulations and practices, education and training, codes of ethics and related subjects;
- Provide a basis for closer liaison and the free exchange of professional information among clinical laboratory scientists worldwide;
- Sponsor and support International Congresses, etc...
- Encourage, sponsor and/or conduct studies, prepare recommendations, reference measurement procedures and reference materials, reviews and reports on facets of clinical laboratory science of international interest and concern
- Assist in the organisation and establishment of new societies.
Strategic objective 1: Respond to climate change, an escalating health threat in the 21st century.
Strategic objective 2: Address health determinants and the root causes of ill health in key policies across sectors.
Strategic objective 3: Advance the primary health care approach and essential health system capacities for universal health coverage.
Strategic objective 4: Improve health service coverage and financial protection to address inequity and gender inequalities.
Strategic objective 5: Prevent, mitigate and prepare for risks to health from all hazards.
Strategic objective 6: Rapidly detect and sustain an effective response to all health emergencies.

  Country presence

Offices / representatives
African Region
Region of the Americas
Eastern Mediterranean Region
European Region
South-East Asia Region
Western Pacific Region

  Disclosure & declaration

Pursuant the WHO Framework of Engagement with Non-State Actors, WHO does not engage with the tobacco industry or non-State actors that work to further the interests of the tobacco industry. WHO also does not engage with the arms industry.

For the purposes of this statement:

  • tobacco industry means any entity involved in the manufacture, sale or distribution of tobacco and related products, and any affiliate of such entity; and
  • arms industry means any entity involved in the manufacture, sale or distribution of arms, and any affiliate of such entity.

This disclosure statement needs to be provided by any nongovernmental organization, private sector entity, philanthropic foundation and academic institution prior to engaging with WHO.

In view of the foregoing, please answer the following questions:

  1. Is your entity, or was your entity over the last four years, part of the tobacco or arms industries (as defined above)?
  1. To the best of your entity’s knowledge, is your entity, or has your entity over the last four years, engaged in activities that are aimed at furthering or supporting the interests of the tobacco industry? This includes, but is not limited to, supply contracts, contract work, services and lobbying.
  1. To the best of your entity’s knowledge, does your entity currently, or did your entity over the last four years, have any other association or relationship with the tobacco industry (as defined above). This includes in particular investment interests (other than general mutual funds or similar arrangements whereby your entity has no control over the selection of the investments), commercial business interests, the provision or receipt of financial and/or other support.
  1. If you have answered yes to any of the above or are unable to answer one or more questions, please provide a general statement of explanation.

Please note that the WHO Secretariat reserves the right to request additional information from your entity in this regard.
By providing this statement, your entity commits to promptly inform WHO of any change to the above information and to complete a new statement that describes the changes.
As indicated in IFCC Statutes' preamble:
Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine involves the study and application of chemistry, biochemistry, and molecular biology to the practice of diagnosis in Medicine. The scope of the subject matter of this discipline is recognised by several names in various parts of the world (e.g. clinical biochemistry, physiological chemistry,
chemical pathology). Included in its scope are the chemical facets of all areas of laboratory medicine. The International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (IFCC) was formed to advance the science and practice of laboratory medicine throughout the world in the interest of the peoples of the world.
Corporate Members cooperates with IFCC offering services for the field of clinical laboratory science.